Allow Malia to be your guide and access information to help you be free to be you and release blocks, old patterns and stuck energy.
Become aware of where your body is holding tension and anxiety with breathing techniques.
Malia accepts with pure love where you are at in the present moment.
Learn how to dialogue with your body and inner child.
Reconnect with your body, mind and spirit.
Recalibrate and be a clear channel to listen to your gut feelings and know what's best for you.
Get in touch with your intuition and confirm what you already know.
Set an intention of what you want to receive and manifest in your life.
Have more energy to do the things you love to do.
Create new healing support systems for yourself.
Gain new tools to take along on your life journey.
Be open to receive information about your next step on your healing path to happiness.
Give yourself or someone you love a gift
20 minutes = $25.00, 30 minutes = $40.00,
45 minutes = $50.00, 60 minutes = $60.00, 75 minutes = $90.00
Also available to those who ask for information during their bodywork or gestalt therapy session.
For over 40 years, Malia has been living a Holistic life style and gaining wisdom and healing methods from her many teachers.
Malia is a Reiki Master, certified Gestalt and Massage Therapist, Let It Go Yoga Teacher, Ermei Qigong Healer, Ama Deus Healing practitioner and Director of Island Wellness Center originally in Spray Beach, Long Beach Island, New Jersey, now located at Yoga Bohemia's 3 locations in Long Beach Island, New Jersey.
Please call the Island Wellness Center to schedule an appointment.